Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Very much motivated. I just took 3 days off.
To share my life, I do 3 jobs a day. I have been working hard for last 2 years. But I often take leaves from all the three jobs so that I have me time. I sometimes don’t talk to anyone and just scroll through fb feed some times through linkedin profiles and sometimes share my experiences with people or anonymous people just like now.
At times I am sad, but thats rare case.
I have had my share of sorrow earlier in life. And may have that again in life, god knows, but why to waste my remaining life thinking of bad times.
Last three days, I was very happy. I did only positive things that made me happy, made me laugh.
One of them is I watched Man with a Plan on Prime.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushiiii
6 replies

super happy to hear you’re happy :) keep up the self love!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushiiii

KG @khushiiii

Keep that positivity around you buddy🌻✨

gabby @iloveu

awe im glad ur happy love keep being positive :)


Thank you @khushiiii @iloveu and anony. Wish you a wonderful day ahead.


Love the positivity.
You’re doin amazing… I’m so proud of you :)


😃 Thanks a tonne


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