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Saint White @misswhite32

Upset and need to talk to someone that can help me with advice on my marriage

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254
Profile picture for Now&Me member @safwan111
4 replies
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254


Kind of advice you looking at

Profile picture for Now&Me member @safwan111

safwan @safwan111


I see You are a saint🫑. Do what saints do. A lot of patience and faith in your lord. It’s said that with every pain there comes an ease, so hard part is almost over, now wait in patience for the fruit. Stay safe and stay blessed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @safwan111

safwan @safwan111


Hello miss white saint. Hope everything is alright. And I believe you have overcome the obstacles and living you life queen size.


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