Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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For anybody that read my last post, he did text at 2:06 am . He was online at 12 and he was online for straight 6-7 minutes ( I deleted the app then ) which means he began his new year with someone else that’s certainly not me and I respect that . I’m a lil sad but it’s okay ig, people change , their priorities change and there’s nothing you can do , except just observing it and accepting it .

4 replies

Or you’re just overthinking it.


You should stop assuming things. Things don’t work according to your assumptions. The actual situation might be entirely different.


Hey thankyou for your comment. So this sort of hit me hard and I decided to text him and ask him myself . I got a clarity , I wasn’t right but I wasn’t entirely wrong either. If I wouldn’t have asked him , I might have been upset about something that actually isn’t entirely true. So thankyou ! You’re right, I need to work on my overthinking. Thankyou.


emotions ruin us


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