Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Ummm… I had an emotional break down at school in front of my external examiner. Idek how it happened. Before I could realise it I had tears in my eyes. Idk how to overcome come this has happened two times now.i don’t want to break down in front of people but it’s just happens idk how.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06

You have a lot of feelings hurried inside you n you should let them out. I’d recommend you to talk it out or cry it out ( crying is a great therepy trust me) also unfortunately not many people have a good mental health everyone has breakdowns , low points in their life n you should not be ashamed of it ♥️


Thank you so much :)
It means a lot to me😌


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