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3am ThoughtsThought


Umm so I am in a long distance relationship with my bf. And I don’t want to be in any serious relationship now cuz I have seen and also getting hurt every day. The main problem is that I don’t trust him. I don’t want to get hurt anymore.
I want to be in just casual now. I love him but it’s better if I will be selfish now. I m getting hurt being with him and will also get hurt without him. One of the guy was ready to do some casual stuff with me being in a relationship. But I didn’t agree cuz I m in a relationship but now I feel like I should do it. I will breakup with him by listening few of your opinions on this.

My bf is a nice guy tho but he just don’t care about my existence in his life :)

12 replies

I feel like you made up your mind. Break up with him.


I didn’t


You got to figure out what you want. pros and cons. If they cheated on you how would you feel? Relief or anger. It’s perfectly fine to want to have fun but I wouldn’t do that while in a relationship. It’ll be heartbreaking for the other and completely not fair to them.


I m not gonna do that being in a relationship… I want casual in order to forget him… Else i can live single… But I don’t to leave that casual one also…


It’s sounds like you know what you should do. Now, it’s only a matter of taking those next steps.


I’m in the same situation. My boyfriend loves me but long distance is so hard and sometimes he seems so indifferent. I suggest you talk to him about it before breaking up.


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