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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Uhm people, why do you feel lonely???
I mean you all, atleast would have parents or a sibling to take care of you…
Imagine all those hard working people out there, nobody even cares if they are dead or alive, and they work so hard, and have a strong desire to lead a common normal life just like others, that they won’t even have time to be engulfed with these kind of lame thoughts like ‘Am Lonely’, ‘Seeking a Partner’ ( toh yaha par kyu aaya, yeh dating app todi hai), ‘Am sad’, ‘please someone talk to me’… I mean duh!!! Get yourself into some good and useful skill or work, these thoughts will automatically disappear…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw
13 replies

excuse me ma’am depression is a real thing ofc some of the users are just using it as an excuse but that doesn’t make depression as nothing…u don’t even know how much you struggle with your academics with disturbing mental health

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Exactly sir!!! But am talking of those people, who are like," I didnt get attention from my crush, uwaaaaa, am depressed" … That’s why I mentioned them in quotes… I know mental issues and health is a real problem which needs to be taken care off


everybody has their own reason of depression just bcuz you’ve something which others don’t doesn’t make you less depressed


You’re correct but most of the people are cage birds they’re not aware of their situations and have no experience like others they’re sinking in their own thoughts. Some need to pull them out


Easier said than done… People do need help sometimes… There’s a reason why therapists exist

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Uhm, I didn’t speak anything about issues like mental health and anxieties… I only referred to those people who fake them for small stupid reasons


Why do we feel lonely?
Because humans are social beings and it’s in their nature to desire company. Everyone needs someone who can understand their struggles and help them cope with life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Understand their struggle, okay if everyone wants someone to understand their struggle and need support in their lives, doesn’t that sound a bit too selfish, it’s like making use of someone, so that one can come out of his/her problems, issues…
I think one should try as much as possible to come out of their problems while not depending on anyone, cause it’s only YOU who knows better about YOUR PROBLEMS than ANYONE ELSE

Profile picture for Now&Me member @miss_nyaaw

Miss_Nyaw💛🤍 @miss_nyaaw

Not everyone tho…But unfortunately most of them do!! That’s why not every can achieve great heights in life, rather will be lost in the common masses complaining and whining about everything because of this “Crab Mentality”


It can be mutual. Like between friends or lovers. Both partners can help each other in their problems. In that case it won’t be selfish. And tbh there is no problem is being a little selfish unless it’s hurting somebody.

And also the part where you said people know their problems better than others. I kinda disagree. Been down for some 6 months and yet can’t figure what I am doing wrong. And no I am not asking sympathy here. Just telling you that we can’t always work things alone.

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