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Uchiha @kha

Ughhhhhhh…man. Taking it one day at a time. Switching back and forth, multiple times a day, from wanting to live and try to wanting to give up because what’s really the point. I don’t think people understand just how much living to have “fun” means nothing. There are people in the world who are abused everyday, and the people who aren’t abused as much or have better mental health or are in better situations should want to help them. Of course we want and need fun so we won’t drown in the darkness but people forget there’s more to life than fun. Yall really need to help others, If you don’t really want to genuinely better the life’s of other people who NEED it, then your selfish. And selfishness is evil and I can’t even wrap my brain around the want to live solely for the purpose to have fun.

9 replies

Uchiha @kha

@nowandme why is this under contains sensitive?? It does not.

Uchiha @kha

sid @sdt028

So you are blaming others for your life situation?

Uchiha @kha

When did I ever say that?

sid @sdt028

Aren’t you expecting too much from the people around you and society.

Uchiha @kha

…What? Expecting people to have the decency to look outside themselves,…is…too much…?

sid @sdt028

It is too much in current situations in societies

RK Kashyap @rkkrealestate


Uchiha @kha



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