Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

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Sai Kiran @saikiran19083


Just be the way you are, don’t change yourself for others

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @khalid_

kk @khalid_


Beleive me i know that feeling i have been there …and trust me don’t let them bother you , it’s ur nature, and u dont need to suppress it…i will say ask the same question to ur mother or siblings if they also saying the same then try to improve it …but slowly becuse these things take time


Well a couple of things could have happened here, maybe they took some words or tones of voice a bit harder than you meant them to sound like.
But in general consensus from your other friends of you’re okay then don’t worry about opinions of a few people because you really cant please everyone all the time.
Especially don’t let it affect your daily life


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