Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Heart @rebecca_hart


I feel disgusted by myself knowing people had touch my body, as if it belongs to them. I now feel terrified of sitting too close to any men. Also feel as i can get with any men in terms of relationship or wtv…Or touch myself…
Also I’m depressed ❤️ this has been progressing or getting worse ig while i keep growing bc of the trauma and other shits, also thinking i won’t live much …but yk I have friends and I’m loving them. Also my dad makes me feel safe. Maybe things will change for me. I have so much to say deeply about other stuff and how i feel that maybe I’ll say to my therapist when i see her some other day idk.
Thanks for reading my vent bro❤️ I hope you have some positive thoughts to back up the bad ones❤️take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amitchoudhary
6 replies

Sending more power to u!! Fighting!!

Heart @rebecca_hart

Thx love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amitchoudhary

Amit @amitchoudhary

I can understand that something wrong must have happened to you in the old times but you should come out of it and see that there is more good in the world then you can do a lot by coming out of old memories.


hey, i totally understand what you mean. I find that sometimes grounding exercises help me (and by that I mean I do stuff til I feel better). Listening to empowering music, exercising and dancing, and having a bath with candles and music all help me to feel stronger, more like me, and clear my head. If things get too hard, try to write it out, all the bad things you’re thinking, then burn it. Imagine all the pain is swept away by the ashes. I’m sending you strength! You got this :) things will get better

Heart @rebecca_hart

Thank you ❤️ I do things like that…like showering with candles and is comforting❤️ imma try doing the burning thoughts🫂


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