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Body imageThought

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Tw? I’m so scared to wear my bikini I feel like I look incredibly fat and i’m going to be judged. I have to and I want to I just don’t want anyone to see me like this.

4 replies

You’re going to look beautiful. Trust me.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I know that feeling… and ive had thought about this a lot of times. I don’t know how you look like, so I can’t tell if you are fat or not. So we have 2 cases here:
- Case A: you are not fat
- Case B: you are fat
okey, so what? you can look INCREEEEEDIBLE good both ways. I’ve seen fat girls (in bikini and with normal clothes) and they looked very pretty. So wear your best bikini and have fun with the people you are going to spend the day with. They are not going to care about your body image as much as you think they will do. Relax. Have fun with them… these moments are the ones we need to be happy! not a “model body”!
And yeah, I know this is so easy to say, but that’s why I repeat to myself when I have an event like that. I’m sure you’ll look great. But more importantly, you are the one that has to look to yourself in the mirror and say: yeah, this is me, this is my body, and i’m going to spend a nice day because I deserve it.


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