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Toxic unhealthy relationships are the root of most conflicts in almost all sorts of relationships. I feel people in toxic unhealthy relationship really just project their insecurities and fears on the other person, which eventually leads to arguments and fights. It just sucks that you can’t just have a healthy conversation about it and resolve it. Instead people find it easier to argue and fight about it for some reason. I value healthy communication more than anything else in a relationship and for this reason I feel that proper communication must be maintained, even when disagreement is in play between two people. The major reason behind toxic unhealthy relationships take an ugly turn in the lives of people, is the sheer amount of toxic traits which the people involved in the said relationship possess and project on each other. Passive aggressive behaviour, constant bugging, no personal space, feeling responsible for the other person, etc. are some examples of unhealthy traits which raise the levels of toxicity in a relationship. One more thing which most people do not realise is that toxic unhealthy relationships take a huge toll on the personal self or individual themself. It kills your motivation, counters your satisfaction and in turn makes you irritated and restless, always craving toxic behaviour. This should not be the case. I was so conditioned to toxicity in my life, from my friends and family, that when I had a non-toxic life, I became paranoid about it. If you feel you are in a toxic unhealthy relationship too, then please consider therapy, because it really does help.

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