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Tomorrow is my last preboards exam and I don’t have any knowledge about the subject and I know if I won’t study am gonna land up being getting below 30% yet still am not studying I actually don’t feel like to even touch the books all the want is a darker … silent place where I can have deep long sound sleep without overthinking…and want to travel far away from my family and house …I feel exhausted and drained in each part of my body…I don’t feel like doing anything…it’s sucks so much when I know I gonna fail yet not studying…

9 replies

Even I feel the same…it sucks!

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Sure go on

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

It’s really a splendid peice of sharing thank you so much I really feel quite better and motivated thank you so much

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You know what this happens with legit so many people. I also feel the same. I guess you should watch some motivational videos to study. Maybe just try to talk with your parents or friends


All I need is sleep without overthinking …plus I don’t have anyone to talk …parents gonna explode if I would say I have not a single piece of information for my tomorrow exam they gonna add more dreadful combination of hard speech ingredients to my bad situation and friends I have none… motivational videos are like old Christmas gifts…those are only good for distraction for few minutes and again the same feelings hit…


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