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Personal GrowthThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

Todays topic : Unlearning

“ The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn .” – Alvin Toffler

Once we stop growing, we start feeling a sense of stagnation and our lives become much less satisfying to us. In nature, when something stops moving, it’s typically getting ready to di#e
When most of us think about growing, we think about perhaps reading more books to help us improve, meeting new people, and taking up new hobbies. . We have a sense that if we’re learning more, we’re growing
Mostly unlearning means letting go of false beliefs and assumptions that we’ve formerly used to govern our existence. Letting go is unlearning. For example, you may believe someone else is responsible for your own unhappiness; therefore, you believe this other person must change.

At some point, through learning, we may discover we’re suffering due to our beliefs or our perceptions about the other person
if you can make a concerted effort to unlearn, your life will probably undergo a dramatic and welcome change

" Learning is the ability to laugh at yourself"

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