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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

Today’s Topic : bottling vs. brooding (Susan David bestselling book Emotional Agility )

Bottling: while it may feel safer to avoid pa@inful feelings in the moment and bottle them up, it really just ends up hu^rting you to hold them in. The best way to move through something faster is to face it, not push it down and pretend it does not exist. always feel a huge sigh of relief when have the courage to speak my mind and be vulner*able

Brooding: being stuck in your own head is not a fun place to be, and it can become a dan^gerous habit to engage with. Finding ways to get out of your head (be it journaling, exercising, distracting yourself with a different topic, meditation) and get back into the present is so important

Bottling (avoidance) and Brooding (hyper focus) both can take a toll on your physical and men**tal we*llbeing, so it’s important to find a balance and bring awareness to these behaviors.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

Advice from the booK
Showing Up: Instead of ignoring difficult thoughts and emotions or overemphasizing ‘positive thinking’, facing into your thoughts, emotions and behaviors willingly, with curiosity and kindness.
Stepping Out: Detaching from, and observing your thoughts and emotions to see them for what they are–just thoughts, just emotions.
Walking Your Why: Your core values provide the compass that keeps you moving in the right direction. Know your why, and act accordingly.
Moving On: Small deliberate tweaks to your mindset, motivation, and habits can make a powerful difference in your life.

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