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Profile picture for Now&Me member @165o1cm

Todays life lession that i realised

We make tons of friends in our entire life. We are/were so close to them that words cannot describe. Some people call that #BFF.
But according to my life what i saw is… we do make friends & we get close to them BUT THAT IS JUST FOR β€œTHAT MOMENT like when you are close to each other”. Suppose school friends! They be with you until you pass school. After passing out from school you stay i touch for like a few more months. Untile you make more close friends in college. Then once you get busy in college life & new friends & new environment THAT TOUCH WITH YOUR CLOSE SCHOOL FRIEND DISAPEARS. THOES CLOSE FRIENDS DISAPEAR SLOWLY. And when you pass out from college these things happen again.

In my case, i was there for my school friends but once they got new friends from college they just left me like they never knew me:)

Life is cruel. And not the same as they show us in these " PERFECT TEENAGE MOVIE/SERIES". So kids grow up, you aint got nothing in this world except yourself<3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @thesadsoul
Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @165o1cm
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @thesadsoul

Jazz @thesadsoul




Exactly you’re right you know the friends that I have they always come to me for emotional support but when I’m going through bad times they all disappeared it happens every single time

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @165o1cm

So damn right.
100% facts.
These people in our life are just another term for depressment. Like when you start realising things happening around you & you start going far aways from life & people you remmember these people. How they find you when they need you but the next moment they just ditch you.


Exactly the world is too selfish the friends we got almost all are came in our lives because they need something whenever their need is gone they go away like strangers


Just now I said final bye to a really close frnd of mine , someon whom I still respect the most.
but yes growing up, friends grow apart.


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