Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Today started well but after that a had to describe something on a radiography and the teacher, (usually really silent and we observed everyone is kinda talking him down) started screaming at me and saying things like " look at me when you speak to me, not at the walls, not at your classmates!" Even if the mistake i made was actually really small. I felt humiliated and angry. Even if some friends tried lifting me up, I haven’t received a message from the one girl i feel the closest to, and I think she judges me for today’s events. I wasn’t able to learn anything today because that event isn’t leaving my mind.

1 reply

Okay so these are some embarrassing incidents that keeps on happening it’s fine! Calm down you will just laugh at this few years later and no one is going to remember it few months later! If you want to feel good try to remember best things happens to you or try create some best thing like scoring highest mark or some achievable thing!

And about the girl either she thinks it was very small thing to console you or she thinks if I console it might make you more awakward or let’s assume she is actually judging you the. Why do you care about a girl who judges you just based on one incident!

Remember true one stay with you in most awkwardest moments also! So just relax and calm down buddy! You are lot lot more than all these!


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