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layla Willam @svyrxywrr

Today something happened which really hurted me and it is the about my crush whome i like alot but my sister also likes him so i have to quite on him just because of my sis . Today when she tolde that she likes the same boy whome i like … I can’t explain what kind of feeling ran across me .
And the worst thing is that my crush aalsi likes my sis so i am just trying to remove myself from there story.
But the main thing is that they both r happy which is the most important thing
( Writing all this here because i don’t have any one to share this )

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amitchoudhary
31 replies

It’s okay, you are a good person.


As everyone will say, ‘you’ll find someone better, someone good for you’ .


Hmm but what think is he was best


It’s okay, I get it, that feeling is normal, and I’ll say that slowly you’ll get over that feeling, As you choose to keep your sister and the crush happy, you’ll have to move on, I’m sure you’ll find a good guy.

layla Willam @svyrxywrr

Awww so sweet
hope so !

Create Account @snowdrop21

You are so strong.

layla Willam @svyrxywrr

😊 no i am just trying to convince my heart

Love Moon @moon3626

You see I scared of Loving but if I love someone in anyway like as a girlfriend, brother, sister, friend or best friend.
I make sure to tell them i love them.
I don’t expect it back because loving them is my choice. like loving is your choice to make but being loved is not in your hand. All I want to say is take care and love yourself because remember that someone somewhere Love’s you so take care of yourself

Create Account @snowdrop21

Still strong 😊

layla Willam @svyrxywrr

Thanku u really made me feel gud

Suraj Kumar @suraj321


layla Willam @svyrxywrr


sp @mariyan


layla Willam @svyrxywrr


sp @mariyan


layla Willam @svyrxywrr

Kolkata and u

sp @mariyan


layla Willam @svyrxywrr

U know hindi or u just speak tamil

layla Willam @svyrxywrr

I had a friend who also lived in tamil nadu but

Salman Khan @ayaankhan


layla Willam @svyrxywrr


Profile picture for Now&Me member @amitchoudhary

Amit @amitchoudhary

It’s hurts but It doesn’t matter that you will find a better partner than this who will be waiting for you or else you will find it yourself. sometimes whatever happens happens for the good

layla Willam @svyrxywrr


Profile picture for Now&Me member @amitchoudhary

Amit @amitchoudhary

If you need any advice or any help then you can tell me

Mr Lavada @balu_90000000


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This thought has been deleted by the thought author
This thought has been deleted by the thought author

akn chawan @akchas



You’ll get over the feeling eventually … trust me … and you will see that you are much more happy and will laugh that you had a crush on the guy … Just hang in there … I believe in you

yomama @robb_stark

These are the days which will make you stronger Girl .
You are soo lucky .
Take this moment as a motivation and change yourself .
PAIN is needed for a makeover


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