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Mental HealthThought


Today one of our office colleague,who is Bsc passout said that “I am not an Engineer,don’t spoil my name calling me an Engineer.”
No doubt he was in funny mood but somewhere this thing hurt me cause I am an engineer.
I pretended I am not listening but inside I felt like offending him with my words.
But I know after my response everyone would have made fun of me that I take things seriously.
To be honest I do not want to offend him or anyone,but I also want to be confident enough that such lines don’t matter to me.
Help me God!

3 replies

Hi, I used to feel very insecure earlier as well. I used to let things get to me and I used to let them affect me. It used to really bother me if someone used to say anything negative about me.
With time I realised that it’s not worth stressing about at all. People are always going to say things they want to and won’t care about your feelings. You need to build a wall or a filter which allows you to not really care about what other people say. It’s all bullshit, honestly. Nobody else’s opinions matter. What matters is what you think of YOURSELF. YOU DO YOU! Do what you like, be who you are. People are always going to say things which you don’t approve of. There is no point getting affected by it. Don’t expect the world to be kind to you just because you’re kind and a good person.


Thanks dear

Khushboo @khushboo

Hi, i want to suggest you that don’t let things affect you easily. Try to let them go. People always say things without caring how you feel. 
It’s sweet of you that you are a good person but stay strong in this world where each one is hurting other for no major reason.


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