Today my husband was cuddling with me. We were very close and then all of a sudden I just hated the fact he is so close to me, everything just came to me as the tsunami. I was quite at that moment and all I wanted was to leave, I gradually moved away from him,. For the first time in our relationship I was not feeling good whn he touched me.
Is this normal or am I still struggling to for give him for his behaviour a week ago which is still bothering me.
Now at this moment I want to sleep snuggle with him but all I can do is stay away from him
I wish I could
I don’t k ow how he would react to if I say
But he is your husband and you guys are sharing life how can you not say the things that is bothering you?
Shabana S. @shabana_saiyye...
Ok, did you feel something different about him, like he’s a different person
Yes I did feel he is a different person. Someone I don’t know and appreciate
Shabana S. @shabana_saiyye...
Hmm I would like to know more details like is he being discreet like something is off, working overtime and coming home late, keeping phone private and like to spend more time with friends than earlier
Hi shabana.
Yes it feels a lot more than this.