Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Nishu Dutt @harshitadutt20

Today my day was so hectic . Idk how do I handle all those college preparation and all but yes i am doing it sometime I feel very low , idk why the thoughts , and the feeling i can’t handle it out really . 😌😔🥺🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fjxind
3 replies

vashali yadav @bleebluuble...

talk to people or do something that makes u smarter everyday… this is life… we just gotta go on

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fjxind

Hidden 📷 @fjxind

Aap ho naa glocudeen piya karo

sid @sidsingh

Probably you’re feeling thaat you may fail in some preparations. Or you want to make it perfect. What do u think?


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