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kumar datta @energetic_nes...

Today mrng i got a dream that him and his bestie kept their profile as a dp… and in the dream i asked him wjy did u keep you both as your dp…he said that bcz words can change people mind. As soon as i woke up i felt really bad and thought about it… and i was not there in his social media… so i asked him why i am not in his social media and he replied that he doesnt know and asked are u doubting on me. So i said about this dream to him and explained i am just asking not doubting…so he kept friend request to me and i accepted…and he told thaf he wants to sleep told good night and went off… now he blocked me from facebook…and we chat in whatsapp… should i breakup with him bcz this is draining me emotionally

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur
7 replies

How can a person who likes you or loves you … block you from his friend list … may be there could be any personal reason to keep you distant but then also still this is a doubt … you need to see how close you are to him if you are close enough then stay secure … otherwise with time you will get to know about things but till then try to stay chill and please for such people don’t drain yourself


Why can’t he add you on his social media?? That’s fishy

kumar datta @energetic_nes...

I dont know getting cry for morning


How long is this relationship?


9 years

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur

Harmanpreet K. @harmanpree...

Dear soul,
To start with, I would probably like to say that relationship should have some maturity, blocking or removing someone from social media is highly immature act. Just ask yourself one question. ‘Do you really deserve such a guy in your life, who will remove you from social media on small quarrel, or a guy who cannot stay loyal with you.?’
Think about this girl. We can always connect over chat.
You deserve better girl.!!
Wish you all the Best.
Harmanpreet K.


I have said the same thing to her last year but what to do she’s not ready to face the truth


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