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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

Today is one of days i feel frozen and stuck, I can’t breath well, i have to take deep breaths every now and then. I feel down, drained of energy but not really tired, on the verge of tears but i wouldn’t be able to cry even while playing the saddest song. Why? there isn’t a specific reason, or maybe there is? i don’t know, i’ve been feeling this way since Friday, it happens every now and then and it usually goes away in less than a week. So i guess it’s just one of those days :/

Profile picture for Now&Me member @samorphine
Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

haha lol no, i’m not 😅 it’s just my anxiety i guess.


There is something inside your mind and heart which is getting heavy and you are not letting it out that’s why

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

You think so? tbh maybe you’re right. There has been something bothering me a little bit, but idk, it’s just that lately i’ve been trying to do new things, socialize more, join activities and spend more time practicing my hobbies and i though it would be easier and fun but making friends and being social it’s actually so hard and exhausting. I feel kind of underwhelmed and disappointed with myself but i know i shouldn’t cuz i’m trying very hard and i’m doing well(?¿) but at the same time i feel like it’s just one of those days and i was just meant to feel like this today.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

well, i’ve been trying to change lately, for my own good bc i’m tired of feeling lonely and always having nothing to do. I joined an academy and i wanted to make friends there, at first i surprisingly was very social, it was hard the first day but after that i became very talkative with everyone but last friday i had a terrible day, idk why i didn’t feel like i had much energy, that day i had planned to get closer to specific people cuz i wanted to establish my own group of friends, i even rehearsed the conversations i would have on my head but i wasn’t able to have them so i felt like a failure for not being able to do what i promised myself I would. I think the problem is i’m on a rush to make friends and i’m planning too much, and seeing things taking longer than i expected is stressing me out and making me feel disappointed and underwhelmed.


Well if you don’t mind then let’s connect.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @samorphine

Samantha @samorphine

I relate to you. And somedays it gets so much harder than it already is. Another reason could be the new moon coming up. Maybe try salt water bathing with light music by the side. It cleanses the aura that collects in the body sometimes. Sending in lots of love and healing✨


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