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3am ThoughtsThought


Today I was holding hand of my friend ( girl) and we was having a deep conversation on her soft corner and I ask her out . She said no to me Just because of soft croner she still believes that her ex will come in her life again and take her back. And her ex is in relationship since 5 year’s. And I was shocked I got hurt when she said no like I give my potential my energy and treated her more then she deserve and what I got in return is nothing. Se don’t even treat me same as I . But I m finding way and preparing for let her go because right now I don’t think I should let her go I still want her. And our bond was same even after the conversation. Like I kiss her hand while talking i was just doing crazy things don’t know why man I m trying to find myself I just lost myself while making her happy.
Please j want to be like I used to before.

7 replies

You give her comfort
Not happiness


No it’s not like that even I have clear this thing

crystal prdhn @christal

Try to find your own happiness don’t force her if she is made to be with you when time will come she will come back to you.


Yes she tell me that you are just a stunt person etc.and she told me don’t love me and that was rude but still don’t understand why man and then I m trying to move on.

crystal prdhn @christal

Keep trying you find someone who understands you and who really want to be with you


Yes and we always say that you deserve better but really if we deserve better then why would we won’t get that?

crystal prdhn @christal

Sometimes it’s happen for your own good some day you met the right person in right time .


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