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today i may have had the biggest “fight” with my mom. tbh i dont even know how it got this far. it’s just that she tends to have really heavy mood swings. its not always like that. this morning everything was fine but she suddenly got very angry. she wasnt angry at me i think bc i didnt really do anything besides of helping her in the kitchen. but it really felt like she was taking her anger out on me. she was very irritated by anything i did. she was cursing at every little inconvenience. and was very loudly screaming. i really do love my mom she is my everything but sometimes it feels not fair that i always have to be the person that has to accept her behaving like this to me. i really couldnt hold my emotions anymore. normally im a very patient person and im used to her sometimes being like this but at this point im really sick of it. i was sobbing asking her why she was behaving like this to me. it was really just me finally letting out all of my thoughts just for her still irritated to say that it’s not because of me. she really doesnt understand how i must have felt in that position. i always try to understand her. it all ended up by her apologize to me. it wasn’t sincere. it was when she forced me to also come to eat breakfast even though i’d refused since i wasnt hungry at all after out fight. after her mockingly apologizing to me i really felt
like she wasnt taking me serious so i got up and went to my room. she’ll probably act like nothing happened as always.
just had to let it all out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kamar
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kamar

peace @kamar

I can relate. My mom always blames me. Oneday my brother fell from bike on the way to pick up me. I didn’t ask him to come she did. He just bruised his arm and she blames and curse me for that. I’m the eldest one in family so whatever my siblings do(we have only 1,2 year age difference) i’m the one to blame. She want me to be a roal model. My grade, attitude even outfit everything matters more than them. It is like i can’t ever satisfy her. I already suffers very low self esteem and she adds to it. She thinks i’m strong. But i’m not this is killing me. It’s just i love her so much so i just listen and cry in secret.

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