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Today I lost my kitten. I hope his soul may rest in peace. I don’t know what went wrong and where it wrong but he is no more. I can’t express the pain im feeling I don’t know how to cope up with this pain. At some point of time I’m feeling that I’m the reason for this.
I miss you Jani, love you alot. You are the one who gave company to me when no one is there. You are the one who lighten up soul and bring joy to home. Why did you left me? Why did this happen to me? Why did God allowed to happen this? I’m hating myself just with the thought that may be at one point of time I’m the reason for that you are no more with me.

5 replies

Hey do not blame yourself. There’s no fault of yours.
May your pets soul rest in peace.
Please take care of yourself too.


I don’t know it’s just hurting everything happened so suddenly and he left his last breath in my hands only. I’m unable to overcome this. I just thought that he will be ok after taking medications but it all went wrong. 😭😭😭


It’s okay cry your heart out.

I never had a pet. One of my colleague had a pet rabbit it was a similar situation they had done some surgery and everything it even went well but then their rabbit passed away after some days. I saw so much pain in my colleagues eye when she was talking about it. I can feel the same is happening with you.
Cry it out but do not blame yourself you did the best you could and your kitten must be proud that it was with such a good person like you. Stay strong.

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