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Today, I just realized the reality of friendship. Everybody might not be like that but up to this day, all the friends I had were fake. They never cared for me, did they? I was the one who listened and consoled them when they needed me. But no one was there for me. I motivated them and made them laugh? They didn’t do anything when I needed them. I guess I’m used to it now.

Hope anyone who reads this, have a good day!


Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aloksingh23
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96

Ganga @gangas96

I also have a same feeling, I don’t have that much of friends. But making that 1 friend who understands you is enough. I hope you find a good friend. Have a great day 🙂.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aloksingh23

AK @aloksingh23

hey, I can understand that. It happens a lot of times with me too, I was in college and I know a lot of people like more than 100 but I rarely have people to whom I can say “a real friend”.
This is absolutely fine, it’s the normal human behavior for everyone. I understood one thing here, that everyone bound to our life is because of a reason.
let’s take an example:
1. you consoled your friends, because you want them to be happy and out of their trap, “which makes you happy and relieved”. so this is your reason.
2. our parents can do anything for us because they LOVE us, which makes them satisfied after seeing us happy and successful. “that’s another reason”

In the same way, people are bound because they get something from us. it can be happiness, decision, relief, enjoyment etc. I may be very wrong here, but despite of everything if you want not to be hurt from next time, dont expect anything from anyone. that’s the ultimate ice breaker.

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