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Today I had the worst day of all. After the lessons my class (girls) decided to go somewhere to celebrate the end of online learning. I thought that’s a great idea till I saw that half of my friends went somewhere leaving everyone else. We decided to go behind them which wasn’t a good idea. We stopped at the bus station and this “girls” told us they’re going to supermarket by bus. Which was pretty weird but finally we found out that they lied to us and actually went to cafeteria. So the rest decided to go to gallery but it didn’t seem well, the only two girls I wanted to talk to where talking to each other about what to do to leave us and go somewhere only with themselves, they were even messeging between the rest of girls but nothing of it happened. And even though I had a really great time I feel that they just didn’t want “us” to be with them. The truth is I didn’t want these two other girls to walk with US too but deep inside I feel that they didn’t want me too. I’m so sad right now, cause I don’t want to be compared to these girls. I don’t like them at all but what bothers me the most is a thing that everyone might feel that I’m like one of them

5 replies

I’m so sorry you went thru this. Honestly tho, they don’t seem like great people lol. I started college last year and finding new friends, especially online is hard but i think you dodged a bullet here. Finding your people is difficult as it is and when you do, wouldn’t you rather have someone who sticks. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust me you’ll find your crowd, sooner or later, but you will


Thanks for your advice. The thing is I don’t want to isolate from everyone in my class, I’m going to be with them for the next 3 years and I want this time to be wonderful not just a waste of time. I really want to hang over with them, not just getting photos and texts about how fantastic meeting they had today without me.


There has to be more than one group in your class though, right? If you’re comfortable with you’re current friends then it’s not an issue. But like you said, it’s three years you have to be with them. It’ll be better to be friends with someone who you feel yourself with, not someone you need to act happy around, just to be sad later.

You remind me of myself lol. I’m really introverted so making new friends is kind of difficult and u tend to stick with what I have. But after a while it was mentally exhausting and i found my current friend group and honestly they’re so much better than the friends i had before.

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Your best shot would be to either try to make it work with the two girls from the gallery because they’re similar to you, you’re all new to each other so it makes sense why it’s a little difficult to make friends but unless they’re absolutely insufferable, you can hang out with them. Or another thing you could do is hang out with the guys. To some extent, you do need a friend group, not the most important thing, but it matters.
Also considering the fact that you started a new school (i think lol), all these friendships are pretty new and most of them don’t last past the first meeting lol. And everything is online again, so by the time is offline you can try talking to people you find cool on text or something, because chatting is so much easier than talking irl


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