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ravu @ravu

Today i am feeling very much disappointed of being girl…
Getting good offers in career but can’t take it because as per the society and family, my age is to get married and i can’t relocate from my place.
They tell me you have job, is enough thing for a girl, and it doesn’t matter how much stuck and improgressive you are feeling.
Taking as much efforts as boys, sometimes more to get job and after it doesn’t matter anymore.

What the fucking is this.

5 replies

harshit saxena @harshitsax...

I don’t get why you need to bother about their opinions so much, like if you’re earning and have enough savings why do you need other people or parents to tell what to do, you can just live alone on your own in any part of the world.

ravu @ravu

If i do so they will call me the most selfish daughter and a person who don’t love her parents… and so on

harshit saxena @harshitsax...

Stop worrying about the things or events that you can’t control accept it, stop continuously thinking about it and make peace with your mind .
Write what’s the worst that could happen if you leave and advantages of doing so, and then what’s the worst that happens if you miss on those opportunities and stay with parents, then decide whether it’s worth it or not, writing it down would give you a lot of clearity, as for the comments they will make, you need to build emotional resilience and fortitude to succeed in life. Try to explain one final time and plan to leave if needed bcz as I said you can’t control lot of things in life. At the end they are your parents and they will probably forgive you for taking such steps in near future.

Ps. leave only when you have accepted the offer letter not on hope of getting selected based on interview offers

ravu @ravu

Thank you for writing so much… it is really making me feel better… i love my parents so much so 1st i m gone do to stop thinking and worrying about things which are not in my control… i believe in myself and i know i will rock my career anyway…

harshit saxena @harshitsax...

Glad it was helpful, good luck 👍.
Also try looking for some remote opportunities, there are many companies with forever remote policies like Airbnb, remote and many more, can check


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