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Today has been a rollercoaster ride for my emotions…
In a relationship for few months… Got together just for some intimacy and sex
Relationship has been on and off since some time now
He is in other country for job now
Spent last month fighting
He has been loving and attentive since a week now… Not sure if he loves me
Keep questioning his behavior and cause fights… My insecurity causes fights
Need some guidance

11 replies

long distance relationships do cause insecurities which may start these kind of thoughts and even might lead to fights but stay strong discuss these things with him and also give him some space do not call him everytime but when you do talk make it count like you both are there for eachother.


He has a habit of reading msgs late but replying as soon as he reads them… But i get all irritated and that causes fights leading to breaking up but after some days we patch things up again and the same circle repeats… . I need to know how to give him space


pick a time when both of you are free and fix it. Everyday you guys can call eachother same time and the rset other times do your personal jobs.


Trying this… Hope it works for a long time


yes stick to it will work


Are u in love with him? Or just because of sex you are in the relationship?


I am in love with him… But I have no idea how he feels and what this means to him… Coz anytime I try to talk about this we end up fighting😓😓


What I can get is he is not interested in love, since you guys got together for something, I am guessing he is continuing only because of it. I hope u get out of it without suffering


Yes I do get the feeling sometimes that he is in this for sex not love but then I stop thinking this way… Don’t know how to get out of this “relationship” 😓😓😓
Spend my days just thinking about this and now it’s affecting my work


Have u tried deviating your mind? What exactly you do? Job?


Yes I have a job currently WFH. For the whole day i am so busy that i rarwly think about anything but work. But the minute i logout I feel an overwhelming urge to just curl up and cry but cant even cry to maybe feel some relief as I wont be able to explain it to my parents😓😓


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