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Mia @ahmazin

To My Ex Who Damaged Me…

I had no chance with you or your heart & even when you knew that, you still watched me fall in love. You destroyed me. Lied to me for your own selfish pleasure. You knew I’d love you with all I have. You knew you weren’t ready to really love and care for someone & yet you still dragged me to the lowest point of my life. I lost insight of my values, lost myself because I loved you more than I could love myself. Lied and said you loved me & you couldn’t even show me an ounce of love. I wish we never crossed paths. Meeting you only brung me pain & heartache. I was never good enough to be loved properly by you. 💔🥺

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Mia @ahmazin

For starters, he let multiple people disrespect our relationship. Took his ex to a family gathering without letting me know. I found out months later when a message popped up on his phone. He never gave me any affection. He always made me feel like everything I was doing was wrong and bothering him. He also let an ex tell him that he should leave me alone.


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