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Tired of being a LOSER. I know it is my fault which make it worse 💔.

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Hey buddy Good morning 🌻😊, it does happen to everyone where we always fi d ourselves perceiving things as if it’s only our fault , and many a times it is , but just know that if it’s you , try and find out the why question, the how question and when you’ll find the answers to them you would find yourself in a zone where youll find yourself as as a… Winner ,cause buddy it’s only and only you , who could understand yourself better than anyone else , and just getting those you’ll feel better , and if it does hurt , just try to get why it happened…
Was this really what is was meant to be ?
I am sure if you’ll just try to be ca and understand what’s happening…? Tryto speak it out to yourself or or the one you’re the closest ❤️, it’ll make you feel , even if it was your mistake and you confessed it , you’ll get those feel as if youve done your best 🌻✨✨and no need to be feeling like your a loser …


Thanks 🤍. That is a great advice


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