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Tips on how to gain weight please:(

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Hey there!
As you know, in order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn, If you’re a non-vegetarian, you might wanna add more meat to your diet. If you’re a vegetarian, try adding potatoes. At the same time, do make sure you eat your veggies. Overall rice, bread, pasta, spaghetti… Add creamer if you have coffee. Stay hydrated. A bit of workout is essential too!
And just love your body and take it slow. Everything takes time, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t see positive results in a few days. Keep going, and you’ll eventually reach your desired weight. ^_^


Thank you I will try this out. Gotta gain some weight before my sisters wedding so I won’t be made fun of :( but thank you so much!!!


You’re most welcome! Hope it works for you! :)
Many congratulations to your sister! May you have an amazing time at her wedding! ;-)


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