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Now&Me ThinksThought


Till now i dnt have any bf nor job, may be i dnt deserve this all things, thats y i didn’t get nor any expectations can rise abt this, i m useless thats y i didn’t get it!

8 replies

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

What kind of job do you want?


Hr aur Marketing

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Did you try all online job applications? Because as per my knowledge there are tons of jobs for HR and marketing.


If u knw pls give the link of that job😁

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

I don’t have any link because i don’t belong to that field 😅.
But if you try really hard you’ll find a better job.
Remember one thing that you always have to work hard if you want something even if the work is easy.
Complaining about it won’t make it easy, focus on your aim and try to achieve it.




U will find someone with time and in ur journey and for job hustle will definitely help u land somewhere good , for bf part do u like random hookups? And if not just wait for the time to show someone to u. 😇


Thnx for advice


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