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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

Those doing random survey here! To find out what is liked by guy’s or girls is totally ambiguous and inconsistent!

1.Your sample size - Too small! (Different age groups have different choices,
Depends upon where the participants (rural/urban) (college/working)
Even if one is denied by majority choice it will not show the true picture!.

2. Crunching the Numbers =Missing

3. Integrity- unknown

I knw its not professional survey. And i want to remind you that!
So you don’t draw any conclusion from here… Take it as very casual

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

Bro i am not answer!! I just kept my views to not believe everything here… !! Some very sensitive … You never whom you are making more vulnerable and consolidating there views that they are not perfect part of society… They lacks something

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

*ignore typos


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