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This year has been a rollercoaster. Last year in december i was asking for opinions on this app whether i should breakup from my toxic boyfriend or not. Its been for months since i broke up and i am very happy. Currently i am in a relationship with a very nice giy and i just wanted to share this with y’all. So he was my senior in school and he had a crush on me. We even talked and joked about it in past. Then after 4 years, which is now in march, we both shifted to nearby cities. We reconnected on Instagram and i told him that i was getting bored and that my all my friends dont like hanging out, he agreed to take me out. And then after few days i came to his city and got stuck due to some emergency. I called him and he took me to his house. I met his fam and his friends. They were extremely nice. I developed a a crush on him. I deliberately left my sandal at his house so that he would have to come to return it and then i would propose him. Then at night when i was texting him, my finger got stuck in a sipper and i messaged him luckily he was online and then i mastakenly called him by mistake and then we started talking and I proposed him and i am really happy with him. He gets my humour. He opens the car gate, carries my bag and sometimes even ties my shoelaces. Its much better than my previous relationship. I hope everyone finds love and peace. He is everything that i ever wanted and he was right besides me all this time. I hope my story had an impact on any of you and made you amile

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