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This startup I work at, it’s doing very good work, mission based but from last few months it’s affecting me, my health, my personal time with family and friends. I love the startup ecosystem, the workload, but it has become extremely inconsistent now and I’ve been struggling on my physical and mental health front from past few weeks. I talked to my seniors/managers here about resignation and my health, they said I’m important, I’m family and gave me a paid month off. I manage few other unavoidable things with office and everyone at office knows this. I anyways came back after 2 weeks. While the way work was divided between team members is a lot organized now, nothing else has changed. I kept asking for some documents to start working on few bugs, but I wasn’t doing anything important for 3 days, then at weekend a huge chunk of work came. I had to cancel out dinner with parents, had to cancel my Sunday personal time plans and exercises. I don’t enjoy my work anymore, it seems like huge stress. I lost peaceful sleep, occasionally delay my lunch, dinner and family-friends time has become negligible. The communication gaps between teams, the inconsistent workload, bit of toxicity to complete the work(even when we’re being dependent on others), etc. has made me emotionally, physically and mentally weak, but I care about the the mission here and so I’m confused, should I resign, take a break, rethink life and then start again or should I just keep working while ignoring all these issues?

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I think so, yes. Plus the upcoming 2 months are very crucial as I’ve series of exams, a very very important family thing where 7-8 I just wanna be with my parents.
I’m thinking of doing the same, taking 2 months break, but don’t wanna come back here and feel useless. Plus there are other missions that need my attention and possibly I can have a good night’s sleep.


Agreed. I’m thinking of finally sending my resignation it in a day or two. Just need a final, firm decision and some courage.

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Thanks awesome people! It genuinely helped me and I discussed me leaving with my manager. It feels better, thanks a lot

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Thank youuu 🤗


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