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This post isn’t to make anyone feel weird or creeped out but to express what we as humans feel and need. I am 21 years old male in Undergrad and I want to express something that I couldn’t express due to judgement by the society. We as humans usually start craving to have a partner (of sex to whom we are attracted) from teenage. We need them to fulfill our emotional needs, felt loved and give love. I haven’t been able to date a single woman in my entire life. I know there are many people like me but I don’t think that is the way to deal with it. I am not trying to force myself to date anyone but it is just that I haven’t been able to date a woman who I wanted to date ever. I again got rejected by someone I liked. I understand that during my teenage why this happened but since the last 1-1 and 1/2 years I have been working on myself i.e. Grooming, communication skills etc. but still couldn’t find any success. I even tried online dating apps and made a good profile (got this compliment from my female friends). This thing is eating me up from inside. Not comparing myself with others but I do feel under confident when I see my friends being able to date someone and love someone. I root for them to have a good time with their partners but the way it is happening with me, it is eating me up. Please help me with this!

4 replies

As humans we crave for love. …to be loved to love someone
I have too
I personally believe that in time we will find who’s right for us…it may take time rejections…but I believe everyone has a special someone for them…


I agree that humans need emotional support and someone to love. I’m not going to preach you ‘self love’ because I’m sure you would’ve heard that by now.

I’d just ask you to be more grateful. It’s good you didn’t date anyone early on, or someone you half-liked. Now you know the exact woman you want. The things that you’d better connect her with. Very few men (especially our age- I’m 20 undergrad) can actually do that.
I’m sure you’ll find the right one pretty soon because you have clarity and most importantly you have worked on yourself and you’d most probably know how to treat her right :)


True but how some men have that quality to attract? I’m trying to figure that out so that I can improve myself. Do I make women uncomfortable or does verbal communication sucks (Although I do flirt pretty well).

Random @stranger002

Hey, I feel people don’t really get attracted towards the other gender because of their looks, personality, money or anything, to that extent. It can definitely be a good way to want to start a conversation with them, but at the end of the day, you just don’t get to CHOOSE who you like. I’ve had the ‘talking stage’ with some guys I thought were exceptionally good looking, or brilliant (for me that has always been a factor). However, when I actually felt something for someone, it was for a person I won’t say is super handsome(as per my taste in guys) or amazingly brilliant. I don’t even know what’s so attractive about him, it’s just that the feeling I had with him, I couldn’t develop for anyone else. You not being able to get into a relationship with someone has nothing to do with you, it’s because you probably didn’t find someone who connected with you that way. However, sooner or later we all do! So till you find yours, keep talking to new people, exploring life, and experiences, I’m sure the person you date in future will be worth the wait!


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