Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eeee15

Vee❤️ @eeee15

This post is for you.

For those whose suffering feels unnoticed. For those people who feel quietly stuck inside their mind. For those that feel hopeless. For those whose cries for help are mislabeled or misunderstood as cries for attention or flaws in their being. For the people who feel too tired to continue on. For people who struggle with depression and for people who don’t. For people who are having a bad day, a bad season, or a rough stretch of life. And for those people who don’t understand the illness but are willing to try. It’s okay - whatever you need, wherever you are, however long it takes - it’s okay. There is still time. To ask for help. To grow. To heal. To recover. There is still time for the sunshine to begin to seep through the cracks. For a flower to grow straight from your heart.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eeee15
8 replies

Rahul @lonely_lucky

Thanks for the message… Hope it reaches every one

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eeee15

Vee❤️ @eeee15




Profile picture for Now&Me member @eeee15

Vee❤️ @eeee15



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