Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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This person in my life to whom i have just recently met She doesnt share much things with me. I been hardly 15 days and she knows my things. When it comes to sharing she shares thjngs wjth her best friend but when j ask is something bothering you she js like i dont tell my problems to anyone. I mean we like eachother and if she can tell her best frjend why not me. I am an idiot who has shared everything with her then why cant she share. I dont get …maybe i dont have much value in her life.

1 reply

Some people have trouble sharing things because they might have trust issues. Your ability to share stuff and be trusting has nothing to do with her not thinking of you as a valuable part of her life. Maybe with time she’ll become more trusting and as you said that you only met 15 days ago. She might have known her best friend longer than you that’s why she is comfortable with sharing stuff with them.


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