Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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this moment…right now.

Feeling triggered. Switched on some meditation music… to relax n doing my best. But!!! Damn brother behaved like an idiot…can’t shift out yet…thought to put headphones…but literally every and so many incidents related to parents trauma, caused by them… freaking want to run away. Being in the same spot, triggered, when i m trying to meditate and having bounty, loop of flashbacks…going mad!!!

I hope i get through this. Can’t wait to get away from my crazy fu**** familyyyy…

God, save me! How do i get out of this trigger…guess trying to distract my mind, going for a shower n calling a loved one right awat might help. lesss. uaaan

I feel exhausted mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in this moment - BIG TIME!

my brother’s voice is irritating meeeee!

God, save me. hating it…and knowing it’s normal(tho my parents, dadi have always made me feeling guilty for feeling and expressing emotions)- HATING IT. NEED A GOOD VENT/DRINK. ARGH

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