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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

This is very random but I just went outside my house to watch fireworks and it made me very happy idk why. But it was a great moment, nothing happened but it gave me hope, I felt something magical. My parents say I’m like a little kid I always get very excited my town’s festival of fireworks, I just think they are very pretty to look at. It might be very stupid idk lol but I always smile like an idiot while looking at them. This is today’s TMI i guess hahaha

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


Thank you for saying that. For me when I think about the happiest moments of my life, I think about going to IKEA with my family, eating in our front yard, when I used to prepare a show for Christmas in front of my family( my mom, dad, and brother) in where I used to sing, dance… just cuz I wanted to. Going to the park to watch the fireworks in my town every 31 of August and outside my house a day like today. It’s never anything big that makes me happy, I hope I’d never lose that, hearing the fireworks and running outside immediately like I did today and every year before this one. No matter how hard things get I always want to have small moments in where I can only feel one thing witch is happiness. The best day of my life was when I once went to a Shawn Mendes concert, this was a bigger event but the same feeling, while I was there nothing else was on my mind apart from the fact that I was happy, I couldn’t think about anything even if I wanted to, I think that’s very special for a person who overthinks as much as I do, for someone who worries about the same thing for years, feeling nothing but great things was wonderful. I’m a very shy person with social anxiety but that time I was yelling the lyrics of the song as if no one was watching, ppl in front of me even started filming me cuz I probably looked very funny hahahaha. Today while I was watching the fireworks I didn’t think about anything, all I could do was smile. There are two kinds of happiness, the one you experience after the event, and the one you feel in the moment, you know you’re happy while you are being happy. I just wish for moments like that no matter how small they are. I enjoy fireworks as much as I enjoy walking In the rain while listening to calm music and breathing in the cool air, smelling the wet grass. I just want to live like that. Wow sorry hahahahahaha omg this was super long I’m sorry

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Shalin Gupta @shalin99


I’m 22 and i get excited by seeing fireworks too, i still watch cartoon shows, i still play with my neighbour’s child toys.
You know i don’t remember who said but someone has said that " you should keep alive the child inside you".

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


Yeah, I guess that’s a good thing. It’s hard to keep alive the child inside you, however, I’m very grateful bc I had a very long childhood and happy childhood, those were the best moments of my life, I’d like to not lose them. I love being able to still get excited over the smallest things regardless of how miserable my life can become sometimes.

Shalin Gupta @shalin99


Well then i suggest you not to change yourself at all. Just be the way you’re. Whole world is already depressed atleast someone is not.


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