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This is the time when i start thinking about whatever happened to me in the past i keep on overthinking about things which i know will never be alright. Im the one who is always there to make everyone feel so happy , but when it comes to me everyone leaves , someone i trusted so much , thought that person would be there for me but when i needed him the most he left me… . I dont know what to do… i have so much pressure … family problems, got no friends, etc .etc… i just want to be happy… I dont even remember when was the last time i was happy… Not even a single night has passed without me crying.😔😔But still at the morning i pretend like nothing happened and make everyone happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout

Keith @downandout

Ngl, but I’m currently on the same boat as you and it’s hard for sure.
And I do tear up and feel lost most of the times but then I try and distract myself by watching insta reels and things like that or about the unknown space and conspiracy theories.


Its okay… there are ups and downs in life… keep urself strong… everything will be fine and in your favor soon… Ur the best yourself… u don’t need to impress anyone… people will come to you ❤️




I’m going through a similar situation, I’ve been crying every single night for the past month. I don’t know how to handle a break up, don’t really have anyone to talk to. I pretend like I’m fine when all I want is a hug from someone. I just want a peaceful life.


Yes thats exactly my situation tbh. He promised me he wont leave me ,filled my heart with love and then he left.he told me to forget everything about him and move on he thinks its so easy to let go… But im still here hoping that he will come back🙃

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout

Keith @downandout

Idk who you are but if you stay in Dubai I’m down to meet you up we can both hug it out and go for a long drive.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout

Keith @downandout

Well about love it’s a funny thing coz for some it’s right in front of them and for others it’s to be found and for some it smacks them without knowledge.
So what I’d suggest you to do for over coming your ex is to 1st cry your eyes out. Crying helps.
After that discard things that have a memory of him. It’s hard but you need to put yourself first.
3rdly start playing an online game this step is to get you totally distracted from him.
4th is to go on about your life and when he pops in your mind play your online game.
Slowly you’ll be able to stop having him cross your mind.


Thats what i’ve been doing🙂…
Anyways thank you so much 🙂🙂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @downandout

Keith @downandout

Hey, no need of thank you :)

As long as you get better I’ll be happy :)


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