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This is my first time talking bout this so please stick with me. So im 19 and i just joined college and its online as of right now and theres this girl and i have met her only once when i visited the city and she is very chill, we talk and all and she is one of the few people i talk to in this college and i dont know if i have crush or not tbh. I have no idea how crushes feel. Also is it wrong of me to think that it wont work out ? Cus im a very different guy than here like totally opposite she is a very wanna have fun and chill and go out girl from a city and im a very gottta work hard and me againt the whole world (2pac style) from a town who had lot of shit in past and too much in his mind. So now how do i know if i have a crush ? Like lmao i dont even know how it feels lmao

20 replies

Its simple do you want to date her?


I dont know !!!


Do you want to spend more time with her? Take her somewhere nice place and have good time?




Congrats. You have a crush on her


And its weird cus i dont like 99% of people

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Dont make it too confusing for him. For the OP : Bro you got a crush on that girl. Its that simple .


But its like ill be there in jan and its like dude she already has friends and a life and shit eh idk kinda daunting


Oooffff that fast?


Yes. Its that simple.


(OP) hows it simple ? Like genuinely asking when do you know its a crush ? Lkke what do you feel ?


What youre feeling for this girl is what people feel generally for their crushes: to spend good time and know each other more. Since you are more reserved person its natural for you to be attracted to a girl who is outgoing and fun loving person.

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We can discuss in detail over this but it doesnt change the fact that you have a crush on her .

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Do you text often ? Does she text you often ?

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