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This is my first relationship and his 4th or 5th I’m not sure , at the beginning we were genuinely so in love, we would be constantly talking to each other , laughing, playing , we just enjoyed spending time together be it through call or text or hang out at his place , due to his work he had to move to another state , we were able to manage long distance for like a year and a half, however recently things have gotten really bad , we constantly fight , we hardly talk to each other , we are unable to communicate, I tried breaking up with him several times but he just wins me over , due to this constant arguments and fights I am always in a bad mood , I really don’t know if i should leave him based on his present behaviour or stay thinking of the past good times

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamsostressed
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yashas
19 replies

Rina Kapoor @kiran123




Alfaiz Chouhan @alfaiz



let him go

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

Please live on the present
If you feel it’s not good for you
The. Move on
Relationship are for both to grow
Not to make us into bad mood


What abt me ? I never had any other relationship, and I’m not sure how it feels after break up , but yeah i am looking for space

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

The thing is you have to respect and yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

And don’t continue in a toxic relationship

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

Just think about present
And make your mind Strong
And remember this is your life
Everything is temporary
Only we can do is make others happy
And don’t forget to make urself happy
So take bold decision
And if it is a breakup
Go for it
Don’t think much about the aftereffects

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

Sometimes you may go into depression
But don’t worry you will recover as time run
And if you wanna connect me
You are always welcome

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iamsostressed

pakhi @iamsostressed

The past is the PAST for a reason. It’s gone. Don’t base your present decisions on the feelings of the past. Yes take it into consideration but don’t make it the reason for saying in a relationship which makes you sad. There’s 7.5 billion people in the world. You’ll find someone better.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

If you think he’s toxic and burden for you, then kick him out of your life… it’ll be good for you.or else the relationship will get worse day by day

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yashas

Yashas @yashas

So the advice would be,Just hang on and if you feel positive in the way he loves and cares for you then you should stick on and stay happy. Everyone has a bad story so taking decisions on that basis wouldn’t be a good choice.So i feel you should communicate more and if you feel he’s losing interest in you or maybe cheating or just being toxic then you should probably cut off the relationship and move on.You deserve to be happy so you should be your first priority

Reema @reema2992

Do self love. Practice it everyday or for 21 days continuously. Each day do different things, example - first day, do a face massage, second day write a love letter to yourself and so on. Thus, your vibration will be high and you will feel much better.
When you are in high vibration, start sending him love vibration, telepathy message (You will find such videos on Youtube). Sending love vibration and telepathy message helps to change your loved one’s feeling, behaviour towards you and make them more loving to you.
Learn about Law Of Attraction(LOA). If you want to know more, you can ping me.

Trust me, there are many people who got beautiful results after practicing LOA. They have heealed their relatonships, their financial situation including better career, their own mental and physical health and even their look, body etc.

What matters the most is to love yourself first. If you are willing to practice LOA, all you have to do is to be positive and to trust the Universe and its power.

Never lose hope. All the best. 🤗


I think you should take a break from this relationship. Relax for a while and don’t think about all this and then after that think about this relationship. Do you want to stay in it or no? Do you still love him or no? And then do what you want to do and what you feel like you should do. Don’t take stress everything will be alright soon. Good luck.

Byull @vanaa

After telling him that how your days get effected bcz of him and how your not happy anymore I think you should clearly give him a last chance as a warning telling him all that bcz in my opinion if you don’t do it now and if you don’t do it for yourself you might regret it later


He’s a player…move on


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