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3am ThoughtsThought

wanderer @shehzal

This is my first post. Just felt like sharing so here goes:
It’s my second year of high school and although I’ve made friends but I don’t feel connected to them like I felt with my school friends. All my old friends are studying else where and we haven’t met in months. sometimes I feel like I’ve forgotten to express my feelings, like I’m losing my old self. Since I don’t have a connection with my high school friends, I don’t talk about me with them. I just feel so lonely around them. I just don’t want to lose my inner self.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr
11 replies

Its okay to feel that way. You had yiur first year online so you dont find those deep connections with your friends. Give it sometime. It will be okay

wanderer @shehzal

Yeah, maybe. I’ll try to be hopeful :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Just be yourself and believe yourself my friend!!! Be strong and stand strong!! This is life you’ve to stand and run along with… don’t demotivate and think negative!!

wanderer @shehzal

You’re right. I’ll try my best to stay focused on the positivity :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Thats the spirit!! Great!! Best wishes!! Stay happy!

wanderer @shehzal

Thankyouuu 🌼


Dear Wanderer,
I have a niece your age and initially she went through the same thing. I will tell you what I told her.
If you really do desire a strong bond or a connection with new people, be open, receptive and most importantly be yourself.
You had 10-12 years building your past relationships in school. It took time and effort. No matter what movies, tv and books tell us Relationships take time and effort.
If you don’t open up and keep putting walls and barriers around waiting for someone to break them, you may have to wait a very long time my dear if anyone ever does break them. So relax, take a few deep breaths and lowers your walls and don’t judge yourself and others.
When you look at yourself, your life, it’s situation and people in new light, you will feel more warm and welcomed and you will let them enter your heart space then.
Hope this helps.
Take care and All the best.

wanderer @shehzal

Dear anonymous person,
Thankyou so much for your kind advice. You’re absolutely right. It’s just that I’m afraid to break those walls, I’m afraid that expressing myself may make others misunderstand me. I don’t know why but whenever I feel like someone’s getting close to me, there’s arises a scary feeling in me and I don’t know what that is. So I push them away. I want to get closer to people , I do want to communicate and express myself but something stops me from doing that . But I’ll try my best to follow your beautiful advice :) thankyou once again


You are very welcome. I’m so glad it helped.


Wow I was going kind of through the same thing and totally needed that.
Thank you so much🥰😊




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