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This is about my relationship. Its my first relationship ever. Earlier, I was in a one sided love with a boy for almost 4 years. And then I decided to move on. Since then I never felt like being in a relationship yet. I thought I would get into one after 3-4 years. But recently I changed my college and here I became friends with a guy who I didn’t know had a crush on me. We became good friends in a month and after that he proposed me to be in a relationship. I didn’t think I was ready but he is a really good person and I did not want to regret later because I also liked him. He is a good person and he is a perfect boyfriend to be honest. (Though at times he behaves in an immature way and gets lots of mood swings which gives me anxiety at times). But my overthinking is causing problems for me. I am supposed to be happy that I am in a healthy relationship but I keep feeling sad because I cant stop thinking about negative stuff. Thoughts like ‘Whether I made the right decision’ , ‘Whether he will not hurt me ever’ , ‘Is this going to last? If yes, will I able to be with this person forever?’ , ’ Am I rushing things?’ , ‘Do I really love him?’. These thoughts do not exit my mind and I know I love him but my mind is always running so my heart stops feeling most times. It feels like a void. Also, another thing which bothers me is that maybe we kind of rushed it. For example, he asked me out on a day and we were officially together in a week after that. And we kissed 2 weeks after that. And I overthink so much that I know I liked those kisses (they were my first time ever) but I doubt sometimes whether or not I genuinely wanted to do it. He loves me a lot I can see that but the only problem is that my mind every moment keeps thinking that something or the other is wrong. It would be great if somebody could share their thoughts with me on this matter! Tysm in advance. <3

2 replies

There’s this thing called law of attraction, the more you think the more you’ll attract that thing in your life. If you think that this is wrong, he’ll hurt you etc it’ll happen with you. Your overthinking will turn into reality in no time. And I don’t think you want that. Just don’t give your mind enough time to think about these negative things. Divert your mind everytime you get this thought. And whenever you think something negative just tell yourself no, he loves me and he’s the most loyal person to me or any such positive thought.


Thing is I know very well he loves me. Problem with me is I keep overthinking about so many future stuff that its my heart that stops feeling anything and feels like a void. And I get scared whenever that happens and I feel like whether or not I really love him!


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