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3am ThoughtsThought


This is about a person I met online.A complete stranger from a different continent😅.I usually don’t speak to guys(I’m an introvert and shy too).Well,online I spoke to few guys for a very short period of time.Maybe few min,an hour or so.But with this man I spoke for days and weeks.I opened up about myself.He also did.We both were not ready for any relationship and stuff.Well,by then I started having feels for him(just a little).I told him also.That was just a confession.But we remained friends.We had a huge fight during our first conversation,followed by 2 or 3 small fights.It was going literally very good when we decided to be friends.i loved it though.When I confessed and were sorting out things,I was lil broken and wanted to go away and not bother him anymore.He persuaded me.So I thought we can be friends…best friends.But he told that he can’t be my best friends because if he gets close to me it gives him different kinda thoughts and feelings.He rudely told me that,"I can’t be your counselor " so all these goodbye stuffs happened n no. of times by me.But almost all the time I said that I didn’t leave…I came back.i wanted to keep all these love and stuffs aside and be friends with him.But now from three days he’s saying that he’s busy.Sees my texts and tells me that he’s busy and will text me later and that later hasn’t come yet.Idk why…
I’m too talkative.i blabber a lot.He doesn’t like it though.that’s okay. But he listens to me that’s enough.
Idk what’s going on rn…
Hoping for the best though

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I think its time for you to let go


Yeah…I will do that…
I’ll let him go


It happened same with me. We became friends online and talked for about 9 months continuously and we really liked each other’s company. She is staying a little far from me so we didn’t met ever.

So, yes I started feeling for her and she wanted to just stay as a friend and talk with me for hours. But certainly for me it was getting difficult to just stay as a friend with her. So, I decided to have a gap between us, coz later I can’t see her getting married to someone else, coz I have lots of feelings for her.

This ideally hurts a lot while maintaining the gap but ideally it was best for my peace of mind.


You did the right thing buddy…


Yaa, but on the other side I think I did wrong with her. She expected someone that close to her to whom she can share anything. But it was getting over for me as I was falling in love with her



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Yaa ya…I’m good


Okay My name is Anil.
Can I get your name ?


Oh great!!

AV @av

Hope the life give you best !


Yeah…thank you
I wish you the same buddy


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