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this is a letter to my friend who shall remain nameless -
It has been almost 4 years and I am still so mad at you. I know we come from different places but I always wanted our relationship to be like sisters. I hated how it all became so dull. I tried my best to make you like me -I bought you clothes, I took you to the best tourist places, I gave you your personal space, heck I would be so tired to make you visit all the places that I would lose all energy to do my homework. I was sad leaving you, but knowing that we will meet the following year gave me hope.
Then I visited you. It was all so same. Nothing had changed in our relationship. I felt you growing farther away because I didn’t share the same interests as you. I wanted to have fun with you but in other ways - except for drinking and partying. I wanted us to be like best friends but you found the company of others who were more like nicer. I wrote all those letters only to cheer you up and make you like me, but I didn’t even get a goodbye message from you when I was at the airport. I had to pretend to look down at my phone smile to show my friends that you texted me that you missed me. I hated how you made zero efforts to get to know me. I lived with you for 2 weeks and it was still so awkward between us. I bonded more with your dad than I did with you. I was there when you cried about the whole frenzy you had with your friends. I am still very pissed. Maybe it was just me to expect so much of a sister - bond from you. It was probably my fault that I was super sensitive about having a nice relationship with you, that we could be sisters for life. I know that I don’t hold as many opportunities as you do to travel the world and have new friends and take a gap year just for that, but I really wanted us to be close. Now, only me texting you to see how you are doing in Costa Rica feels so one-sided.
I wish you liked me

7 replies

Yash raj @oldi


U alright…?


i guess, thanks for asking

Yash raj @oldi


No problem,You just wanted to say that or their is still something bugging u…?


oh, it’s just, I really wanted us to be close and nice. But, I guess that was all one-sided
When I saw my group of friends, with their friends I felt so mad and annoyed. I couldn’t even tell her how I felt because I was afraid she might throw me out of her house
I also kinda felt that maybe if I was pretty or confident enough like my other mates, she would like me more
But, I have somehow started to despise looking at our pictures.

Yash raj @oldi


Don’t ever doubt yourself , you know most people whom I considered my everything for those PPL i fought with my friends, family , society but now they dgaf it happens they’ll realise sooner or later that you are feeling awkward somehow , sometimes you have to take the initiative to talk first abt the problem cuz they might not see it , and if they care they’ll be sorry and sort things outt and i am already sure you are a girl of culture cuz u said MATE >>>


thank you so much πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ’–

Yash raj @oldi


No problem 😊


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