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This guy I’m dating currently I’ve dated like 5-6 times in the past and it has almost always ended in an ugly manner but I thought this time will be different because why not but turns out it’s not as different. He hasn’t figured himself out and isn’t happy w life and I don’t know if he will be able to achieve either of those while being in a relationship. I love him but I’m extremely scared about our future mostly because I’ve started thinking we don’t have any. Maybe it’s the past times we’ve dated that still haunts me but idk. He says dumb shit sometimes and it makes me upset but he doesn’t even care anymore, like he’s given up. I’m really scared about us but idk how to bring up the topic because he already has way too many issues to be worried about a new one. I’m so scared.

3 replies

Well you gotta leave him. You dont have to be each other’s therapist. You’ll find someone else. Just give some time to yourself. No matter what dont go back to this guy, because i know it feels easier, but its not worth it.


If you think you can fix a broken person, you can’t. Seriously you can’t. I was in relationship with a guy who was so badly hurt and broken from his past. He pursued me to say yes and I did, and did my best to love him and heal him… and definitely he did … and then brokeup with me because he started dating my best frnd. Apparently they were already into each other before I started with him.
So if you think that you can fix him. U can’t. All you will get is anxiety and broken promises and you will hurt yourself


I don’t wanna fix him. I can’t. I can just be there for him. Now it’s like the more he tells me he loves me the harder it gets to believe him. I know he loves me but I’m still scared. I know for sure he doesn’t wanna leave me for someone else but it’s also hard to believe that he’s serious this time. He’s been super understanding of me and changed all the bad toxic habits that made me feel scared to be vulnerable w him. But now that I’m not familiar w these new habits, it’s tough being vulnerable. Thanks for replying:')


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