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They love someone else now the same way they used to love me same attention and everything just so hard to accept it all. Never expected it from this one person. Learned this lesson a hard way.
No matter how much you do for them in the end they’re gonna turn their backs on you and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arz_635
Profile picture for Now&Me member @un_kn_ow_n
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @arz_635

Perhaps they were not in love with you as you may have thought



Profile picture for Now&Me member @un_kn_ow_n

Unknown @un_kn_ow_n

If they love someone else the same way they loved you, they never loved you… Not even a single minute when you were together…
Cause love ain’t a remote, that can be replaced with the same TV… You need to get yourself cleared this first, if they have someone right now, you might wanna get away from them forever, even if they leave the 3rd person and comes back to you, try not to go back to them…

It’s very hard, but with experience all I can say is “at the end of the day, self betterment is everything”

Have faith in yourself, not in your bond with others… People come and go, you have yourself, the most prettiest, most trustworthy, most kind, amazing and best person, untill the end…

Take care, and prioritise yourself, not someone else…

Good luck


Thank you so much for taking time to write all this for me but idk how i feel honestly i love them still the same way i used to it just hurts me now even reading the stuff you wrote made me tear up they found a different person and were talking to them and then just started dating a different person out if nowhere left me hanging here saying they still love me and they didn’t move on and shit ik the things won’t be same anymore but it’s so hard to accept the things the way they’re now


It’s okay, you yourself said it, it’s very hard…

It is hard, very hard but not impossible, and forget the worldz this stranger trusts you, you’re strong enough you can go through this…

Take care
Good luck


People always leave, the more you do for them, the more granted you will be taken.
this is a new reality of life.

I know its tough phase for you, but you realised the reality of life. These is how humans are nowdays.


Yes learned it the hard way but won’t let y’all down. Really appreciate how everyone here is trying to help each other even when they’re suffering themselves


this is good, we can only grow when supporting each other.
Its tough phase, but you gonna come out stronger.


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